On this occasion, the ruling orisha is Olokun, one of the most respected and mysterious deities of the Yoruba pantheon.

Along with this orisha, the accompanying deity in 2021 is Ochún, queen of love, fertility and who in Cuba syncretizes with the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.

Ruling Divinity: OLOKUN

Companion: OSHUN

Flag: Blue with yellow trim

As for the signs, the regent oddun is Ika fun. Likewise, he has Odi leke and Irete ogbe as witnesses.

The main prophecy of the Letter of the Year in this 2021 is "A firm and safe health asset on earth that Orula will provide". Also, this year's flag is blue with yellow trim.

On this occasion the orisha that governs is Olokun, one of the most

mysterious and respected of the Yoruba pantheon and the flag is blue with yellow trim.

Ochún will be the accompanying deity in 2021, she is the queen of love, fertility and in Cuba she syncretizes with the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.

In addition, this year the ruling sign will be Ika fun and its witnesses are Odi leke and Irete ogbe.

This year's Letter mentions an increase in contagious, gastrointestinal and nervous system diseases, as well as contempt for authority, migratory flow and social tensions, among other issues.

Among the recommendations established in the official document, it is mentioned maintaining sanitary measures, increasing personal hygiene, analyzing the high level of corruption, and instilling respect, education, and love for work.

• I will go Ariku Oyainle Lese Orunla

• A firm and safe health asset on earth that Orunla will provide

Onishe: For 8 days put different Addimu to Orunla and on the eighth day take those offerings to the river and there sacrifice a chicken to the offerings and to the river.

Obatala: Sacrifice 2 Quail, with 16 slices of bread, cocoa, shell and 2 candles.

Oniche Ile (House): Wash the House with 8 Obatala herbs

Sayings of the Sign:

Who laughs last laughs better.

• Sometimes what he doesn't like is what he has to do.


• Contagious Infectious Diseases

• Gastrointestinal diseases

• Diseases of the Nervous System


• Increased contempt for authority in a general sense.

• Breaches and breaches of agreements.

• Increase in natural disasters that lead to both material losses and human lives.

• Increase in migratory flow.

• Increase in the loss of human life as a consequence of illegal emigration.

• Increase in Violations, territorial, legal, sexual.

• Increase in political, social and religious tensions that can lead to conflict.

• There may be an increase in maternal and child mortality due to bad procedures.

• Increased intake of alcoholic beverages.

• Increase in the rates of scams, robberies and assaults.

• Increase in false consecrations and religious desecrations.

• Increase in moral deformation.

• Increase in food and drink adulterations that cause food poisoning.

• Increase in criminal acts.

• This sign requires everyone to comply with religious commandments


• A call is made to the World Society to carry out an analysis on the high level of corruption existing in all spheres.

• A call is made to the family to instill respect, education and love for work.

• Maintain the established hygienic sanitary measures.

• Comply with and respect the laws of each country to avoid judicial problems.

• Fight promiscuity at home.

• Periodic health check-up is recommended.

• It is recommended to increase personal cleanliness, hand washing.

• Respect within marriage is recommended to avoid breakups.

• Analyze the consequences of favors and commitments.

• Head begging with two white doves is recommended.

• Raise family economic planning to avoid loss of money and debts.

• Take tribute to Olokum to the sea.

• The Aleyos and Iworos that have pending consecrations, perform them this year, verifying beforehand, the person they choose to consecrate.

• Be selective with the people to perform consecrations or religious rituals.

• Avoid narcissism in a general sense.

• Reinforce the door of the house (see your godfather)

• Go to the godfather's house in search of detailed religious guidance.